LLN Evaluation FAQS

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) Evaluation

AACI determines the suitability of a course for a prospective student by conducting a pre-training review process. 

AACI shall, prior to enrolment, evaluate and determine prospective students

  • Pre-existing skills, knowledge and the experience (including RPL, Credit Transfer opportunity)
  • Suitability of mode of delivery
  • LLN Evaluation ASCF Skill Level and gaps against a course LLN level
  • identify and deliver any necessary LLN Support Services (eg. Individual Learning Plans or ILP)

Prospective students will generally be required to undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy Evaluation Assessment. LLN Robot online tool automatically generates the ACSF Core Skill levels for each course based on the units of competency in the qualification.

AACI uses LLN Robot for LLN Evaluation as it is:

  1. online and easily accessible
  2. self-marking and with non-biased results,
  3. individual analysis of Core ACSF Skills levels for a course and
  4. personalised LLN support programs.

The outcome of LLN assessment is to identify any gaps and advice on any learning support that is available to the individual learner prior to submitting an enrolment application.  Our Individual Learning Needs Support Officer and Student Support Officer shall identify, for each learner, any additional support required and that this support is made available, either directly or via arrangements with an external LLN resource provider. (Please read our LLN Policy)